
Default Constructor
Creates a null string.

Copy Constructors
DOMString(const DOMString&)
DOMString(const char*)
DOMString(const char*, unsigned)
These constructors can be used to copy a string or to create a string from a C-style, null-terminated string of characters or an array of characters of the given length. The array of characters, whether they are null-terminated or not, are assumed to be encoded in UTF-8.

DOMString& operator=(const DOMString&)
bool operator==(const DOMString&) const
bool operator!=(const DOMString&) const
Two strings are equal either if they are both null strings, or if their length is the same and corresponding UTF-16 characters match.
DOMString& operator+=(const DOMString&)
DOMString operator+(const DOMString&) const
Append a string.
Char16& operator[](unsigned)
Char16 at(unsigned) const

bool isNull(void) const

Returns true if the string is null.

bool isEmpty(void) const

Returns true if the string has zero length.

unsigned length(void) const
DOMString clone(void) const
void fromUTF8(const Char8*, unsigned)
void fromUTF16(const Char16*, unsigned)
void fromUnicode(const Char32*, unsigned)
char* c_str(void) const
Char8* toUTF8(unsigned&) const
Char16* fromUTF16(unsigned&) const
Char32* fromUnicode(unsigned&) const